Methods. Debugging and Troubleshooting Code - Exercises

Contest details

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Allowed languages: | C# code | C++ code | JavaScript code (NodeJS) | Java code | PHP code (CLI) | Python code | C# code (.NET Core) |
Contest participants: 663
Practice participants: 3746


01. Hello, Name!


02. Max Method

03. English Name of Last Digit

04. Numbers in Reversed Order

05. Fibonacci Numbers

06. Prime Checker

07. * Primes in Given Range

08. Center Point

09. Longer Line

10. Cube Properties

11. Geometry Calculator

12. Master Number

13. Factorial

14. Factorial Trailing Zeroes

15. ** Substring

Broken Code For Debugging

16. ** Instruction Set

Broken Code For Debugging

17. ** Be Positive

Broken Code For Debugging

18. ** Sequence of Commands

Broken Code For Debugging

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